Williams and Tusayan Ranger Districts Announce Fall Prescribed Burning Plans News Release 09/21/2018
September 21, 2018
Williams, Ariz., Sept 21, 2018—For Immediate Release. Fire managers on the Kaibab National Forest have completed plans for the 2018 fall prescribed fire burning season and will begin working on a range of projects this month. The specific units to be ignited will be chosen based on fuel moistures and weather conditions that are within prescriptive levels that meet fuels reduction objectives.
The flowing project areas are planned for treatments on both the Tusayan and Williams Ranger Districts:
Sunflower Rx Project: Southeast of Williams, approximately 12,000 acres.
Green Base Rx Project: North of Williams near Three Sisters, approximately 7500 acres.
Reed Rx Project South and northeast of Tusayan, approximately 3200 acres
Russell Rx Project Southeast of Tusayan, approximately 4000 acres
Fire plays a beneficial role in maintaining the ecological stability of many landscapes including the Kaibab National Forest. Managers use prescribed fire as a practical means to reduce risks associated with uncharacteristic wildfires that can pose significant threats to public health and safety.
Officials recognize that impacts to air quality may be unpleasant at times, however they can significantly reduce the amount and limit the duration of smoke more effectively using prescribed methods than in an uncontrolled wildfire situation. Furthermore, fire managers will actively monitor atmospheric conditions daily and use strategies to minimize smoke impacts to rural developed areas.
During operations, fire personnel and vehicles working in these vicinities will be visible to the public. Motorists are reminded to slow down and drive with heightened caution when passing through active project areas.
All prescribed burning on the Kaibab National Forest is subject to approval by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. For additional information on the Smoke Management Division of the ADEQ and to view prescribed burns authorizations, please visit www.azdeq.gov/environ/air/smoke/index.html.
Information about prescribed fire projects on the Kaibab National Forest can be obtained through the following sources: InciWeb inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/5922/
Kaibab National Forest Website; www.fs.usda.gov/kaibab
Kaibab National Forest Fire Information Phone Line (928) 635-8311.
For information about air quality and health awareness visit bit.ly/SmokeHealthAwareness