Local News

Message from the Tusayan Fire District

July 1, 2020

 Dear Friends-


Every five years, fire districts/departments go through a Public Protection Classification (PPC) survey, known as the “ISO Audit.”  Fire Department staffing, vehicles, training, equipment, response times, community training, records, preplans, etc. are all considered.  Naturally, the water supply is crucial; TFD conducts annual tests of the hydrants in town and has benefited from the Tusayan Sanitary District’s upgrades.  The actual audit process takes months, and is based on an impressive amount of data, reports and forms.  An auditor also does on site visits to inspect and meet.


Fire Department:                    50%

Water Supply:                         40%

Emergency Comms:               10%


TOTAL                                     100%


TFD has been preparing for this audit since 2015.  Efforts have been stepped up to raise each category of grading.  Fortunately, this has all paid off!  TFD was awarded a rating of 4/4x, a 2 point increase from the previous rating of 6/6x in 2015; a 2 point jump is an exceptional improvement! This is the best ISO score that Tusayan has ever had.  As a result, TFD is now in the top 25% of ISO ratings in the United States. 

The ISO rating is important because it can have a favorable or negative influence on insurance ratings, both for businesses and residents.  Hopefully, this will translate into savings for your business or home policies over the next five years.

We are extremely appreciative for the financial support that the Town of Tusayan has provided to date.  Addressing our ISO rating has always been a major priority, and I’m happy to share news of return from that investment.  I am hopeful that the Town of Tusayan can continue to provide the financial support for the coming years to benefit all the residents and businesses here.  We will always continue to attempt a higher ISO rating.  My only fear is that if we lose staffing due to financial limitations, we will not be able to maintain our newest rating.

The new ISO Rating goes into effect, tomorrow, July 1st, 2020.  We recommend that you check with your insurance carrier about the possibility of lowered premiums.


Thank you for your assistance,

Greg Brush