An Editorial from Former Mayor Pete Shearer
October 12, 2020
A quick note to my friends and fellow community members.
I was here when a tragic fire killed multiple people in the early 70’s.
I built the first firehouse in Tusayan in the early 80’s.
I revamped the old heliport to house the Tusayan Volunteer Fire Department organization in the 90’s.
Hazard. Potential loss of life or property damage downstream of a dam from floodwaters released at the dam or waters released by partial or complete failure of the dam, and upstream of the dam from effects of rim slides. A hazard is considered significant if there is a potential to cause loss of life or major damage to permanent structures, utilities, or transportation facilities. I watched with pride as the entire community came together to build the current fire station. Ann, Brenda, Clarinda, and their families banded together to make this a much safer and protected community.
A huge threat is at hand. If we allow the town to have their way and their representatives to gain control, TFD will be disbanded creating an unsafe community. I ask for your support in keeping this a safe and protected community.
Join me in preserving and protecting what we, as a caring and responsible community, have built. Vote for John Vail and Andrew Aldaz for TFD board seats in the upcoming election. Together they have almost 30 years of dedication and service to TFD in keeping this a safe community.
They protect you.
They protect your loved ones.
And they protect our visitors.
Please vote for John and Andrew. Please continue to support our most critical public service agency. Don’t let the Town destroy our safety by their efforts to defund TFD for their own personal agendas.
Remember, vote for John Vail and Andrew Aldaz for the TFD Board of Directors.
Thank you.
Pete Shearer