Tusayan Fire District And Town Of Tusayan Reach Agreement To Ensure Needed Services
July 1, 2021
The Town of Tusayan and the Tusayan Fire District have signed an intergovernmental agreement that provides needed funds for the Fire District. The agreement was recently approved by the Town and signed June 29th during a ceremony at the Fire District.
Fire Chief Greg Brush said, “TFD greatly appreciates the financial support in years past. Right now, we’re very grateful for this new agreement and are looking forward to our continuing relationship. Thanks very much to the members of the Town Council and the support from the citizens of Tusayan!”
The five year agreement gives the District some funding certainty as tourist driven expenses continue to outpace limited revenues from taxes imposed by the District. Tusayan is unique because despite its small population, the demand for fire services is substantial due to the volume of tourists.
That volume generates sales tax revenues for Tusayan, but it does not help Fire District tax revenues.
The Town has agreed to provide between $200,000 and $450,000 a year to help the District cover salaries and other expenses. This funding will help keep the department fully staffed, with three people on duty, 24 hours a day seven days a week.
Mayor Clarinda Vail said, “I am thrilled The Town of Tusayan and The Tusayan Fire District (TFD) have completed the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) to secure funds to TFD for, at least, the next five years. TFD does an amazing job in providing for and protecting our community. We hope the IGA helps TFD to recruit and retain more staff and to continue to provide high quality safety for our community, guests and fire fighters.”
The agreement also provides $500,000 for new equipment. The District needs to replace a fire engine as well as repair or replace an ambulance.