Tusayan Pursues Direct Payment To Residents
February 16, 2022
Many who live or work in Tusayan will be receiving up to $550. A second round of payments is also possible. The money comes from the federal government and is earmarked to help individuals and communities impacted by COVID-19. Mayor Clarinda Vail has been a strong advocate of getting the money directly to residents as opposed to using it for municipal programs.
The federal government does attach some strings to the distribution of funds from the American Rescue Plan Act and as a result only low or moderate income households can apply. The limit is $79,500 for a family of four assuming two income earners and two dependents. The City of Phoenix has initiated a similar program.
Tusayan is getting $193,000 from the American Rescue Plan Act.
Councilman Robb Baldosky had suggested the money could also be used elsewhere such as to fund a 4th of July celebration or a town Ramada.
However, that’s not possible because of restrictions placed on the funds by the federal government.
Mayor Clarinda Vail thinks the most effective use of funds is to get it to community members, “I don’t know anyone who works here locally who didn’t suffer a loss of income (because of COVID).”
Pursuing the distribution of those funds was approved unanimously.
Councilman Greg Brush said he could not think of a better use for the funds
Mayor Vail would like to expand on this idea and distribute payments to residents from the millions in surplus funds in town coffers. That idea however would run into opposition from the Arizona League of Cities and Towns, according to Mayor Vail who says she still wants pursue such a plan using the town’s surplus funds.