Local News

Update From Tusayan Town Hall

January 31, 2024

Sports Complex Survey

Last week strategic planners were at Tusayan Town Hall to discuss future ideas for the Tusayan Sports Complex.  HERE  is a link to a short intro video for the project for those unable to attend the planning sessions. 

The Town has established a survey for residents who want to weigh in on this project. To participate, scan the QR code below or follow this link.  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TusayanAZOutdoorSportsComplex


If your business has an interest in hosting this year’s Cinco de Mayo celebration, The Town would like to have the submission by Friday, February 2nd.  Please email tusayantownmanager@tusayan-az.gov with any submissions or questions.

Also, submissions for the Council Vacancy are due February 8th by 5pm.  Residents interested in serving are asked to email tusayantownmanager@tusayan-az.gov.