Local News

Fire managers plan to conduct firing operations this week on the Lockett Fire

July 8, 2024

The Lockett Fire experienced no growth over the weekend, staying within interior control lines built Friday and strengthened Saturday and Sunday. Today (July 8th) , crews will continue making improvements to prepare the planning area perimeter area along Forest Roads 307 and 310 and along dozer and hand lines connecting the two roads.

Fire managers are planning to conduct firing operations beginning Tuesday to remove fuels and create a buffer along the planned area, allowing fire to move slowly and naturally through the interior while mitigating opportunities for escaping beyond the control lines. 

The Lockett Fire planning area is surrounded by areas which have experienced prescribed and natural fire and is burning in the footprint of the 2014 Belknap Fire. These fires align with the Southwest ponderosa pine/grassland environment 10-year fire-return interval, the natural historic average time between wildfires in this ecosystem. The intended outcome of this fire includes encouraging the growth of native plants, increasing species diversity in the understory, and the restoration of wildlife habitat.

Once ignitions begin, smoke will be visible various forest roads in the vicinity of the fire, along State Route 64/East Rim Drive within Grand Canyon National Park, and the Town of Tusayan. A 3-mile section of the Arizona Trail south of Grandview Tower will be temporarily rerouted along Forest Road 310.