Local News

News Release: Grand Canyon Airport Runway Rehabilitation Project Planned for Summer 2025; Join us at Open House

August 23, 2024

The Grand Canyon National Airport will begin a major runway rehabilitation project in the summer of 2025. The current runway surface is showing signs of distress from regular use and weathering over time. This project will improve safety, operational efficiency and compliance with FAA standards.

What’s Happening?

Starting around July 14, 2025, the airport’s only runway will be getting a makeover. The main part of this project includes rehabilitating 75-feet of the runway center section (shaded blue in the above diagram). This is the portion of the runway that gets a majority of use by the airport's most critical aircraft. Other project elements include updating a taxiway hot spot and updating taxiway designations and signage. This work will keep the runway closed 24/7 for about 35 days.

Why Now?

This upgrade is crucial to maintaining a safe and reliable airport that supports tourism and aviation in the region. With a budget of $15 million, funded by a grant from the Federal Aviation Administration and state matching funds, the project is an investment in the future of our beloved gateway to the Grand Canyon. The project is scheduled for next summer as warmer temperatures are needed for asphalt projects.

Want to Learn More?

We’re hosting an Open House from 4 to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 10 at the Grand Canyon National Airport Terminal Lobby. The official address is 750 Airport Drive, but Google Maps lists it as 1542 Liberator Drive, Grand Canyon, AZ 86023. Look for directional signs or ask staff for assistance. It will be an open house format with no formal presentation. Drop by to ask questions, learn more about the project, and share your thoughts. Parking will be available on site.


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