Arizona Corporation Commission Calls Stilo's Bluff As Stilo fails To make Good On Promise Of Affordable Housing
December 9, 2012
The Arizona Corporation Commission seems to have called Stilo's bluff. For months the company has failed to give any details about where it would get water for its massive land use plan that would create three million square feet of commercial space and add thousands of homes to the environmentally fragile area bordering the Grand Canyon.
Stilo is trying to create its own water company and it needs permission from the Arizona Corporation. Stilo keeps ducking some basic questions from the ACC such as where is the water supply coming from. After multiple filings, Stilo asked for another year to answer that question. The ACC gave Stilo six months and a warning. Here is a portion of the state's response:
“Staff has received your third request for an extension of time, of one year, to respond to Staffs January 26, 2012 Insufficiency Letter. As you are aware, the above mentioned application was filed on December 28, 201 1 and to date the application is still insufficient. Staff acknowledges receiving additional information from you on November 9, 2012, but there are a lot of unanswered questions.”
A big problem for Stilo is that its plan is opposed by the Superintendent of the Grand Canyon National park, the Havasupai Indian Community, and the Sierra Club. That’s because Stilo’s plan could dry up water supplies that feed the national park and the Indian Community.
There is also the issue of sewage, which Stilo has not formally addressed. However Stilo did try to get its slate of candidates elected to the Sanitary District in an attempt to displace longtime public servants such as Pete Shearer. The plan didn’t work. However Stilo backed Bob Wirth did get on the Board because the race went to the top three vote getters.
Wirth works at the Wild West Experience Dinner Theater which has scaled back operations for the winter. Prior to getting on Stilo partner Elling Halvorson’s payroll, Wirth’s wife used to opine that that they had to live in Valle because there was no housing in Tusayan. She made those claims at a Tusayan Council meeting and they were dutifully repeated by Stilo’s PR machine. After that Wirth got on the Halvorson payroll and ran for office.