Tusayan's Development Roadmap: Will All Voices Be Heard?
February 3, 2013
By Mike Scerbo
As Tusayan assembles its general plan, it is looking for a chorus of voices to address a long list of issues.
The general plan, which is like a roadmap for future zoning and development, addresses municipal concerns such as:
- Lane use
- Transportation Circulation
- Trails and Open Space
- Public Services and facilities
- Housing
- Historical Sites
Tusayan plans to set up a special web page to make sure the public looks at any draft plans and there also has to be a series of public hearings.
The town council wants to establish a technical review committee made up of a council member, a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission and technical experts.
The council also wants to reach out to ‘stakeholders’’ in Tusayan. Among the names mentioned are Stilo strongman Tom DePaolo, Brenda Halvorson, Elling Halvorson’s daughter, and former Vice-Mayor Cecily Maniaci. For those new to this publication, Stilo and Halvorson are behind Tusayan’s controversial land use proposal which would add three million square feet of commercial space to the town and thousands of new residents.
The council is also thinking about hearing from those who have opposed to the Stilo plan. Mayor Greg Bryan said, “We get new voices and we get many voices to share the process.”