Emails Reveal Stilo's Broken Promises to Tusayan
August 3, 2013
Public records obtained by the Watchdog indicate that the negotiations between Stilo and the Town of Tusayan are stalled over 20 acres of land at the Ten-X property.
The records also indicate Stilo was supposed to start deeding housing parcels to Tusayan in April 2012.
As part of the development agreement Stilo struck with the Town of Tusayan, Stilo was supposed to hand over 40 acres for affordable housing. Stilo has not made good on that promise, nor has it even given Tusayan 20 acres at Ten-X, as the Town requested.
According to the emails we received, 20 acres was even surveyed as a potential site. Stilo is refusing to hand over 20 acres unless the Town gives up its right to revoke the zoning if Stilo fails to meet the demands of the agreement.
The Town is fighting for the guarantees it was promised and without the threat of revocation, it has no enforcement options.
If the right to revoke is abandoned, Stilo could get away with breaking its promise to donate the other 20 acres.
Stilo has already broken a promise to come up with a water supply. The Watchdog put in a public records request for correspondence between the town and Stilo for the months of June and July. The last bit of correspondence came July 8th when Stilo was sent a notice of default.
Here is a portion of that letter.
According to the default letter the land was supposed to be handed over in April of 2012. If residents of Tusayan knew that key promise would be broken, Stilo might have never been handed its rezoning nearly two years ago.