The Can't Do It Conduit: Phone Company Hangs Up On Request To Bury Lines And Mayor Says No To Funding
March 23, 2014
While power lines between Plaza Bonita and the Trading Post are being buried, Century Link refuses to bury the phone lines. That has lead Mayor Greg Bryan to opine that, "Century Link Doesn't care about the community."
APS is covering the cost to bury its lines as Tusayan moves away from overhead lines. Century Link is another story. It wants the Town to pay more than $25,000. Mayor Greg Bryan is refusing to do so, and while he may stand on that principle, his postion won't get those lines down. It may be a lot of money but it's a fraction of what has been spent on countless consultants who have hit the Town up for countless studies and projects that yeilded minimal results.
It's also worth noting that Red Feather Properties has already spent more than $20,000 to bury lines.
At the March 19th Council meeting Mayor Bryan and the council did approve leaving an empty conduit underground, but as for getting rid of the phone lines Mayor Bryan exclaimed, "I am opposed to paying Century Link a dime."