Tusayan Budget Taking Shape
May 4, 2014
It’s going to take about $2.9 million a year to keep the Town of Tusayan running. That’s the budget estimate released by the Town Council for the 2014/2015 fiscal year.
There will be public hearings on the budget and revisions are expected. There is a new line item this year called the “Water Enterprise Fund” which estimates $1.2 million in revenues and the exact amount in expenditures. There is no explanation as to what the fund is for but revenues would come from ‘User Charges.’
Expenditures in the regular budget include $91,000 per year for the Mayor and Council, $412,000 a year for the Town Manager and support staff, $144,000 a year for legal services, and $145,000 for planning and studies. $90,000 is devoted to Parks and Recreation.
The budget should be adopted by early July. A Public hearing is likely May 21st.