Sorting Out The Crosswalk Confusion
November 2, 2014
Tusayan seems to be close to figuring out the crosswalk confusion that has been vexing Town hall for months. The Town has been looking for ways to make the crosswalks safer ever since the Arizona Department of Transportation modified Highway 64 through Tusayan. The crosswalks in town are so prevalent; drivers sometimes forget them while emboldened pedestrians forget to realize that not every driver pays attention.
ADOT has rejected an inexpensive fix, which would have enabled to the Town to place flags with large polls at the crosswalks. Pedestrians would carry the flag, which would increase the chances that a driver would pay heed.
ADOT says the only acceptable fix is marked signs with flashing lights. The Town has found a vendor. The cost per crosswalk will be seven thousand dollars and the town will have to provide signage for all seven crosswalks, not just one or two.
There was talk of removing some of the crosswalks, but the cost of changing signs and filling in curb cuts is too expensive.