There’s open government and then there’s open government
February 8, 2015
Councilman Bill Fitzgerald is taking issue with Mayor Greg Bryan’s definition of transparency. The Mayor has formed various working groups that consist of two council members. That’s because if there three council members in attendance it becomes a public meeting and it has to be posted.
Fitzgerald feels these working groups circumvent public scrutiny and he is threatening to show up at some of them. If that happens, things could get complicated. Meetings of three or more members are supposed to be posted and Mayor Bryan told those gathered at the February 4th council meeting, that Fitzgerald would be “Foiling the actions of the town.”
Fitzgerald was unfazed and reminded the council of the need for transparency. He said the problem could easily be solved by notifying the Town Clerk if he planned to attend.
The Mayor responded at the February 4th council meeting ,”It’s the Town Manager and the Mayor’s prerogative to post council meetings, not an individual council member.”
Previously Fitzgerald has expressed concern because much of the negotiating over the Stilo development has been done outside the public’s gaze.