Local News

Halvorson Dodges A $700,000 Tax Bill

April 19, 2015

 As much of Arizona was paying their taxes, absentee Tusayan businessman Elling Halvorson got a $700,000 tax break. That’s how much Halvorson owes the state in taxes. He is suing to dodge paying up. There was also legislation designed to give him a specialized tax break.

Governor Doug Ducey vetoed the bill but at the same time gave Halvorson a reprieve from paying what he owes in back sales

Ducey told the Arizona Department of Revenue not to collect the back taxes which arose between 2003 and 2006.

The dispute centers on sales taxes on the purchase and leasing of aircraft.

The bill would have given Halvorson amnesty going back 17 years. In addition to asking that the laws be changed suit his finances, Halvorson has also been suing the State of Arizona to dodge his tax bill. The Arizona Court of Appeals has told Elling to pay up, but he is appealing that decision.

Meanwhile, Halvorson has been touring the area with a 'golden helicopter' (not real gold just painted gold) to mark 50 years in business.