Tusayan Sanitary District Opposes Forest Service Easement
May 28, 2015
The Tusayan Sanitary District has passed a resolution urging the Forest Service to reject the Long Jim Loop access right of way easement. Such an easement is needed for Silo to execute its environmentally damaging development project in Tusayan.
The massive environmental damage the Stilo project would bring to the area is only one of many reasons the Sanitary District called for the rejection.
The District Board also believes Stilo’s request to build a massive road next to the Town Park will also destroy the peace and quiet of the area for those who live in Tusayan. Giving Stilo its easement will also massively increase costs paid by the district to insure, operate and maintain Long Jim Lop Road.
There are also issues with wastewater and collection lines along the road.
The Sanitary District had little choice but to oppose the easement as neither Stilo nor the Town gave the District any details about the easement.
Sanitary District Chairman Pete Shearer said, “Having to carry a $10 million liability on the road, it could be a huge impact to us because of a safety issue with the kids.”
Shearer is referring to the fact that Stilo wants to send massive amounts of traffic through a party of town where children play.
With respect the utility lines Shearer added, “Utilities are planned to go to the wrong side of the plant. They never consulted with us. We would like to be involved in the process soon so there could be proper planning.”
When faced with word of this resolution at the May 21st Town Council meeting, Councilman Al Montoya opined, “They oppose all development.”
The Sanitary District tried to resolve many of the problems by setting up an intergovernmental agreement with the Town to make sure utility maps and other information is exchanged in a timely manner. Montoya didn’t like parts of the IGA as presented as it related to Tusayan sending the Sanitary District draft maps. The IGA was eventually modified to Montoya’s liking and passed.