Kotzin Approval Process: A Road To Nowhere
January 24, 2016
It has been months since The Kaibab National Forest was supposed to make a decision on a controversial road expansion that would clear the way for an environmentally destructive development at the doorstep of the Grand Canyon National Park. The Kotzin road access request would take land from the Grand Canyon School District and give it to Stilo so the developer could expand the road and greatly increase traffic along an area that serves as a park where children play as well as a future school site.
Since then the Forest Service has received more than 200,000 messages on the issue, nearly all of them in opposition.
According to Public Information Officer Jacqueline Banks, "Kaibab National Forest Supervisor Heather Provencio has been reviewing the many comments received and has been talking with the various people and groups interested in this issue so that she can fully understand the interests and concerns and make a decision about moving forward. However, no decision has been made yet."
Dr. Robin Silver, Co-Founder and Member of the Center for Biological Diversity, says the Forest Service should have already rejected the Stilo request. Silver said, " At Tusayan, in spite of hundreds of thousands of comments observing the Tusayan development’s obvious risk to the Grand Canyon, the Forest Service is hunkered down afraid of the amount of push back it might experience from Stilo and their camp follower politicians."