Election In August To Select Mayor
January 24, 2016
Mayor Craig Sanderson had hoped to call an election for Tusayan Mayor as soon as March. Sanderson wanted to comply with a voter approved town ordinance that requires a mayor to be selected at the next possible election. However there is a state law that forbids town from holding extra elections. The bottom line is that Coconino County will authorize an election for the Mayor in August in order to comply with state law.
That means the deadline for candidates to get on the ballot is June 1st. Sanderson, who replaced Greg Bryan when he resigned, has said he would likely seek reelection. if that happens he would be forced to resign to run for Mayor.
Town Attorney Bill Sims said it is impossible to do a March election and Sims says the elections office has told him it is too late to set an election for May. Sims says although he thinks a may election is doable, he is still advising the council to set an August election, and so does the Arizona League of Cities and Towns. Sims says it also keeps the mayor's term consistent with the town councils' terms. Sims also said an August election would be less expensive.
Vice Mayor John Rueter, who attended the meeting via telephone, made the motion for an August 30th election date. The vote was unanimous.