Ten X Confusion
October 15, 2016
Getting the final plat set for Ten X is becoming more and more of a challenge. It was supposed to be done October 5th but that didn’t happen because the deed to the land was not recorded. That deed formally transfers land to Tusayan in order to facilitate phase one of the affordable housing plan that would see ten units go up at Ten-X.
A vote was scheduled October 19th to resolve these issues but that meeting was cancelled.
These delays have not impressed councilman John Rueter who said October 5th, “I am very disappointed that this isn’t the final vote to approve both the approval of the plat.” But he does want to keep the process going.
Rueter said time is of the essence because of the possibility of national monument status of land surrounding the Grand Canyon National Park.
Rueter said, “Until we as a council record these things, we’re not doing what we were elected to do.”
Town Manager Eric Duthie no one hates delays more than he does but there are legal reasons why the town has town tread lightly.
Rueter is calling for a special executive session to discuss the legal complications.
It has been more than five years since incorporation, and Tusayan via Stilo has yet to provide ‘affordable housing’ as was promised years ago. The only land that could have been used for affordable housing is off the table. The acreage at Camper Village used to be zoned residential, but Stilo managed to change that in order to facilitate its commercial development ambitions.
Since that time the only new affordable housing has been provided by Tusayan business leaders such as Clarinda Vail and Ann Wren who have constructed new apartment units.