Councilman Chavez Questions Tusayan Code Enforcement
September 13, 2017
Councilman David Chavez, the general manager of the Best Western Squire, wants to know if his business was singled out for code enforcement issues. At a recent meeting of the Tusayan Town Council, Chavez along with other members of the council questioning the way Wildan Engineering has been enforcing building codes.
Chavez said, “I have been enforced and it does not appear to be consistent across town.”
Wildan’s Roger Brooks says enforcement has been consistent but admits many times enforcement is complaint driven, but he cautions anyone who starts construction without a permit is, “rolling the dice and hoping they don’t get caught.”
Brooks says a building inspector is available to be in Tusayan two to three days a week. Brooks says someone who builds without a permit runs the risk of having to tear down an entire project and start over if the violations merit.
After the meeting Chavez said he was satisfied with the answers. But he noted that the construction on three recent projects at the Squire had been stopped by Wildan, “We got shut down three or four times over three years. My concern is that I see other work going on around town and I don’t see permits for it. For me laws should be enforced equitably.”