Happy Trails: Tusayan Reviews New Trails Systems
October 21, 2017
The Town of Tusayan has given tentative approval for a master trails plan than would span about 13 miles. The trails would be on public and private lands and can be insured through negotiated easements
Sirena Dufault, an engineer for Trails Inspire Inc., presented the plans to the Tusayan Town Council pointing out that this is a master plan for a non-motorized multi use trail system that provides trail routes for a number of tourist uses but also for residents to walk to work and well as connectivity to the Town.
Some of the trails will be narrow with natural surfaces. Some of the trails will be wider and paved with gravel to accommodate the handicapped. The system of trails would include 10-X and Kotzin.
Dufault says activities on the trails could include hiking, mountain biking, photography, exercise, dog walking, and running. She would also like to establish signage on the trials to help tell the human history of the Tusayan area.
Early cost estimates range between $427 thousand to $644 thousand. Councilman Al Montoya expressed concern about the estimates. Montoya said, “I want this to happen but I want a realistic price.”
Mayor Craig Sanderson would also like to see more public input now that the possible routes have been established.